First day of activity: tuesday January 11th

Once the preliminary procedures, the adaptation of the spaces and the storage of the material have been completed, the club can now open the doors in the gym of the Institut Arnau Cadell. The first day of activity will be on TUESDAY 1/11/2022, at 6:30 p.m. All of you who are interested in the activity […]
Two new victories in Liga Iberdrola

There were no surprises on the second matchday of the Iberdrola League played in Madrid last Sunday Nov 21, and “Santcu” got two new victories. The first match was won against the team from the Sala d’Armes València by forfeit (score 25-0). The second match was clearly won against the “Escuela de Esgrima Ateneo” by […]
Gold and silver for “Santcu” in the first competition of the Catalan League 2021-2022

The LLiga Catalana 2021-2022 in women’s foil couldn’t have started better for “Santcu” because on the first day they took the first two positions. Bárbara Ojeda won the competition, competing in the final with her sister Marina, with a final score of 15-6. In the semi-finals, Bárbara had defeated Victoria García of CEG from Granollers […]
Two victories of merit in the debut in the Iberdrola League

“Santcu” made its debut with two hard-fought victories on the first day of the “Iberdrola League” played in Amposta. This first day was already expected to be very complicated, but the team made up of Bàrbara, Cris, Laura and Marina gave their best and did not lose concentration at any time. The first match was […]
Friends and collaboration members

The activity of our club would not be possible without the support of the group of friends, family and collaborating partners. In one way or another, with financial contributions, in kind or with their time and dedication, all of them help us to achieve our goals. We are very grateful to all of them and […]
Our club debuts in the “Liga Iberdrola”

Club d’Esgrima Sant Cugat has got a place in “Liga Iberdrola”, the most important team competition in Spain. “División Oro” of this league is divided in two groups, with this composition: GROUP 1 Club Cardenal Cisneros de Madrid 1 (CCC-M1)Club de Esgrima Mediterráneo de València (CEME-V)Sala de Armas de Valencia (SAV-V)Escuela de Esgrima Ateneo de […]
Sant Cugat in Catalonia Championship

Although the name change was still in process in Register, our new Club d’Esgrima Sant Cugat was already present in women’s foil Catalonia Championship in the equipment of fencers. The Championship was held in Amposta on sunday July 4th and results were very positive for the club, with a gold medal by Bàrbara Ojeda and […]
Fencing in summer camp

Fencing was one of the activities included in summer camp of Institut Arnau Cadell. The activity took place on june 30th. Split in two groups, participant students learned the first notions about foil and fought in their first matches using beginners plastic equipment. Session was conducted by club coaches Montse Esquerdo, Marina Ojeda and Juan […]
Presentation of the activity

On monday June 14th the new fencing activity in “Institut Arnau Cadell” was presented. During break time a foil demonstration took place executed by two young fencers who train in Sant Cugat CAR, Sofia Téllez from Club d’Esgrima Granollers and Sergi Rodrigo, from Club d’Esgrima Sabadell-Jaume Viladoms. The demonstration was presented by Miquel Ojeda, president […]