Two victories of merit in the debut in the Iberdrola League

“Santcu” made its debut with two hard-fought victories on the first day of the “Iberdrola League” played in Amposta. This first day was already expected to be very complicated, but the team made up of Bàrbara, Cris, Laura and Marina gave their best and did not lose concentration at any time. The first match was against CEME from Valencia, who had been reinforced by the Italian fencer Olga Calissi, recent winner of the FIE tournament in Copenhagen, but the fencers from Sant Cugat maintained the initiative throughout the match and knew how to endure a tight ending, taking the victory by 44-42.

The second match was against the “Cardenal Cisneros 2” team from Madrid, and it was also expected to be very close since the young fencers Tucker and Gaydos occupy the top positions in the Spanish junior ranking. As in the match with CEME, the Sant Cugat fencers took the initiative and were able to recover after a moment in which the Madrid team took the lead 30-28 in the sixth relay. Although the last relay was reached with only one hit of advantage, Bárbara clearly dominated it by 6-2 and left the final score at 45-40.

The next day will be played in Madrid on the weekend of November 20-21 and the team will have to confirm that, if the forecasts are met, on the third day the first position of the group will be played with the current champions of Spain of the ” Cardenal Cisneros 1″.

El equipo desplazado a Amposta: Montse (entrenadora), Laura, Bàrbara, Marina, Cris y Juan Ramón (entrenador)