First day of activity: tuesday January 11th
Once the preliminary procedures, the adaptation of the spaces and the storage of the material have been completed, the club can now open the doors
Once the preliminary procedures, the adaptation of the spaces and the storage of the material have been completed, the club can now open the doors
There were no surprises on the second matchday of the Iberdrola League played in Madrid last Sunday Nov 21, and “Santcu” got two new victories.
The LLiga Catalana 2021-2022 in women’s foil couldn’t have started better for “Santcu” because on the first day they took the first two positions. Bárbara
“Santcu” made its debut with two hard-fought victories on the first day of the “Iberdrola League” played in Amposta. This first day was already expected
Club d’Esgrima Sant Cugat 2020
Admin.: Gordi, 9 08173 – Sant Cugat del Vallès
info@esgrimasantcugat.cat – Tel. +34 695120810
NIF: G01932219 – Registre Entitats Esportives: 19081